The Significance of Kidz Place

We lay the foundation

We take our role very seriously.
We care for today's children; and tomorrow's adults.

The Significance

He works meticulously, measuring, calculating, figuring, it has to be constructed perfectly, it must be strong, it can't sink or tilt under preasure, every corner a straight angle, everything must line up. Over all, it all has to be in balance and symmetrical. There is no room for mistakes, no, definitely not, everything has to be just so. He measures and re-measures, calculates and re-calculates, and checks and re-checks…

It must be straight, if it is not exactly straight, with inclines or declines, it will throw the whole project off. That’s it; they are all relying on him, on his exacting labor, on his flawless skills. It is at times like these that the pressure makes him question his own competence.

After so many years in the field, you’d think he’d be calm, reassured, knowing that he has done this successfully countless times. Instead, he feels that same pulsating pressure pounding in his heart capturing his mind, and perspiring in the palms of his hands each time he reaches this crucial stage.

His mind’s creative eye depicts wild images of everything coming to a grinding halt midway, or worse, the whole project built, and then the devastation of its proprietors in the end when it all comes crashing down, falling to the ground, leaving in its wake only the resounding soundless noise of failure. These images only make him recheck his work again. He's begining to realize that over the years as he became more experienced, not only did he not cease to worry, he actually became more tense and worried.

Perhaps as his understanding of the significance of his work deepens and the realization of the magnitude any flaw in his work can cause, he realizes that a man can’t be careful enough. No, not when he’s laying the foundation upon which a tall building will rest. No, a man can’t be careful enough when any mistakes he makes while creating the foundation will magnify with each level that is added on to the structure. No, a man can’t be too careful when there are lives involved, yes; life is waiting to be lived with in the walls that will stand upon the foundation he is now laying.

Our Role

At Kidz Place we are laying the foundation for life that we hope will be lived to its fullest iy”H. While infusing such young impressionable children with the tools, skills, knowledge and lessons they will use throughout their lives iy”H, there is no room for mistakes, everything must be just right.

Each child is a world of his own with his own strengths, weaknesses, and needs. Each child is a building waiting to be built, one that needs a strong foundation in order to be able to stand erect, tall and proud in the future. It is our job to help you lay this crucial foundation. We do our utmost to ensure that this foundation is laid to perfection so that the future structure that each child becomes is one that can stand firm and strong with its marvelous character traits and admirable actions, withstanding even the strongest winds that may blow.